



20世纪90年代中期的Techno sound,个人电脑以及新的字体创作软件都成为F2F(Face2Face)字体家族的灵感来源。Alessio Leonardi和他的朋友们需要创作新颖的不同寻常的字体,这些字体应该在德国领先的技术杂志《 Frontpage》中使用。即使是排版时大小最小设置为6pt,布局也几乎无法辨认,孩子们还是能很愉悦地阅读并解读这些信息。

F2F Mekanik Amente看起来就好像它曾经是一种普通的字体,但它的字母却遭到了剪刀的可怕攻击。这种字体可能是标题的一个非常有创意的选择。

F2F Mekanik Amente是Linotype GmbH的Take Type 5家族中包含的41种Face2Face字体之一。利奥纳迪自己设计了11个。”

The Face2Face (F2F) series was inspired by the techno sound of the mid-1990s, personal computers and new font creation software. For years, Alessio Leonardi and his friends formed a unique type design collective, which churned out a substantial amount of fresh, new fonts, none of which complied with the traditional rules of typography. Many of these typefaces were used to create layouts for the leading German techno magazine of the 1990s, Frontpage. Leonardi and his fellows would even set in type at 6 points, in order to make it nearly unreadable. It was a pleasure for the kids to read and decrypt these messages!

F2F Mekanik Amente appears as if it had once been a normal font whose letters were horribly attacked by a pair of scissors. This font could be a very creative choice for headlines.

F2F Mekanik Amente is one of 41 Face2Face fonts included in the Take Type 5 collection from Linotype GmbH. Leonardi designed 11 of these himself."


